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After yoga and Sunday shopping, Croatia's Catholic Church targets condoms [View All]

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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:12 AM
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After yoga and Sunday shopping, Croatia's Catholic Church targets condoms
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After yoga and Sunday shopping, Croatia's Catholic Church targets condoms

ZAGREB (AFP) - After "defeating" yoga classes for teachers and Sunday shopping, Croatia's Catholic Church is again testing its power in this conservative society by opposing a safe-sex programme in schools.

"Under the pretext of protecting adolescents against AIDS (news - web sites), a technique on how to use preventive means is actually being practised," the Croatian Conference of Bishops fumed in a recent statement.

The bishops labelled the programme as "explicitly against Christian moral teaching," in line with the Catholic Church's general opposition to contraception and condom distribution.

Mirjana Krizmanic, a social psychologist, said the Church had no right to meddle in the health policies of a secular state.


After yoga and Sunday shopping, Croatia's Catholic Church targets condoms
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