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Man shot at Ohio gunshow [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Guns Donate to DU
Katya Mullethov Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-12-10 06:36 AM
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Man shot at Ohio gunshow
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COLUMBUS, Ohio—The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a break-in that happened just after 2:00 a.m. Sunday.

Detectives say two men broke into a service door at the loading dock of the vacant J.C. Penney building at Westland Mall in West
Columbus. The building was hosting a gun show sponsored by C&E, which is a company based in Virginia.

Once inside, detectives say, an armed overnight security guard confronted the men. The suspects assaulted the guard, knocking him to the ground. The guard fired his weapon as the men fled the building. Investigators believe at least one of the men was shot.

Deputies searched the area extensively, with the help of K-9 dogs and officers from the Franklin Township Police Department. A Columbus Police helicopter also joined the search, but the suspects weren’t immediately found.

Columbus area hospitals are on alert for anyone seeking treatment for a gunshot wound.

Sunday was the last day of the two-day gun show, which remained closed while organizers did inventory. Deputies say all of the guns are accounted for. Many
attendees and vendors had to wait outside while authorities conducted their investigation.

The magical empowerment powers of several tons of assembled guns must be absolutely overempoweringly powerful . Something akin to 1930's marihuana which caused "instant murderous toxic insanity with as little as one dose " only to later increase in potency tenfold every presidential administration since Nixon (No word from this admin yet). I have maintained for the longest that one can be high or one can be stupid , but not both at the same time . Perhaps there is something to this in regards to instant firearms intoxication wherein something in the make up of these innocent bystander makes them subject to the control of adulterated iron molecules arranged into clever shapes .
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