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Reply #4: No it won't [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Guns Donate to DU
tburnsten Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 03:44 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. No it won't
check out all the other anecdotal stories of gun use, legally and morally justified defensive ones, like this story, and flagrantly wrong and criminal uses, like the young girl in Oakland who murdered her boyfriend.

These are the bread and butter of the Guns subforum, they shouldn't be, but they are. This one just stood out to me, in part because of the level of restraint shown by the woman, to illustrate that no, it isn't only inner city Chicago that involves crime like this, and maybe, just maybe, the good-natured people like this elderly woman are the same no matter what geographical region they live in, and maybe, just maybe, ones who happen to live in an area like Chicago or D.C. should not be prevented from adequately defending themselves against home invasions and other violent crimes.

It's only important to me because I view the rec and unrec as a way to express your view of the article, event, or post, and if you rec or unrec something, to me you should take a second and express yourself on the thread.

After all, that's what this forum is for, not just a place to go around rec'ing and unrec'ing things.
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