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Joe Zamudio the CCW holder in Tucson - LA Times good article [View All]

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 12:50 AM
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Joe Zamudio the CCW holder in Tucson - LA Times good article
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Looking back, Zamudio sees his years of target practice as preparation for that Saturday morning. With his Ruger in hand, he instinctively ran toward the shooter instead of away.

As he closed in on the two struggling men, he heard the older man with the gun shouting: "I'll kill you!" Still, he resisted the temptation to fire.

It was then that he recognized the Glock 19 in the older man's hand. Zamudio had used that type of weapon before and noticed a key detail: The slide on top of the gun was locked open, indicating it was in the process of being reloaded and wasn't quite ready to use. "I knew he couldn't shoot me," Zamudio said.

Knowing that, he charged forward without shooting. "I decided that I wasn't the one to kill him," he said. "I didn't see the shooting."

He slammed into the older man and held him against a wall until bystanders told him he had the wrong guy.,0,6128308,full.story

Joe Zamudio, 24, hugs his mother, Jane Hamilton. Zamudio was one of two men who subdued the shooter in Tucson. (Gina Ferazzi, Los Angeles Times / January 10, 2011)

Sounds like a level-headed good young man!
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