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Castle Doctrine Reintroduced in Nebraska! [View All]

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shadowrider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 11:59 AM
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Castle Doctrine Reintroduced in Nebraska!
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Earlier this week, State Senator Mark Christensen (44) once again introduced a version of “Castle Doctrine” self-defense legislation as LB 298. The NRA was very pleased to see a renewed attempt to get this critical legislation passed after coming up just short last session. We will be working very closely with Senator Christensen to make sure that we get the strongest possible protections for all Nebraska citizens.

LB 298 has not been placed on the schedule at this time, but is expected to be heard by the Judiciary Committee in the near future. In the mean time, please begin contacting the members of the committee and urge them to support your right to self-defense and support LB 298 when it comes up for a vote. Their contact information can be found below.

Judiciary Committee:

Chairman Brad Ashford (20)
Phone: (402) 471-2622

Senator Colby Coash (27)
Phone: (402) 471-2632

Senator Brenda Council (11)
Phone: (402) 471-2612

Senator Burke Harr (8)
Phone: (402) 471-2722

Senator Tyson Larson (40)
Phone: (402) 471-2801

Senator Steve Lathrop (12)
Phone: (402) 471-2623

Senator Scott Lautenbaugh (18)
Phone: (402) 471-2618

Senator Amanda McGill (26)
Phone: (402) 471-2610
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