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Reply #5: Guilty or Not may have no bearing [View All]

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Katya Mullethov Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 10:20 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Guilty or Not may have no bearing
But back when dad insisted and Jr popped himself , it sure seemed real important to whole BUNCH of people in a page wrappin ,multiple post, sorta way . It was reallly fucking important back then wasnt it ? Now ........ they could give two shits .

No more round the clock televised righteous indignation to remind them that they should be pissed off .

This incident has no more bearing on my rights than if a flag burning tea party* jack wagon were to shoot a very important Arizona Democrat " and some other people " . Pretty much none of the hyperbolic bullshit posted in here has any bearing on me , my customers , my friends and family . Ohhhhhh , but they want to make it my problem . I must bear some personal responsibility as I am one of "those people" . Some sort of a self defense version of The Travelers or something .

Once the grammar shooter falls off the "screen" I give it a week . Two tops . Haiti didn't take that long to drop off the boards .

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