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Woman fires gun to ward off man trying to steal her car [View All]

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Common Sense Party Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 12:24 PM
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Woman fires gun to ward off man trying to steal her car
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“He was hitting me from behind, trying to force me into my vehicle,” Bennett said.

Bennett struck the man with her elbow, then was wrestled down across the front seat of the SUV. While lying on her back, with her assailant atop her, Bennett arched her spine, opened the SUV console with her right hand and pulled out her firearm.

“I said, ‘I got a gun. Don’t make me use it,’ ” she recalled. “I think my heart was going 90 mph.”

While the man tried holding her arm, she fired a shot out of the open passenger door. The assailant had enough. He ran off. Bennett was not injured.

She was a rude toter, afraid to go out in society without a gun or two strapped to her SUV, and making all of society more dangerous and fearful as a result. She should have just gone along with him for the ride instead of making waves. She might have frightened the poor fellow.
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