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Reply #5: As Finkelstein pointed out, it's very hard to collect on the wager when... [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Israel/Palestine Donate to DU
Poll_Blind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 02:06 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. As Finkelstein pointed out, it's very hard to collect on the wager when...
Edited on Tue Jan-09-07 02:08 PM by Poll_Blind
...there are so few facts in Dershowitz's book. Really, I thought it was a joke- until I actually read Dershowitz's book. Don't listen to me, pick up a copy of "The Case for Israel" yourself. Read it thoroughly. If you are not familiar with scholarly works, or what someone means when they criticize a book for not being a scholarly work, pick up a copy of (to use a relatively uncontroversial author) The Israelis: Founders and Sons. It's an interesting read, IIRC, but more germane to what we're talking about is that it's scholarly.

  A quick definition if you're unable or unwilling to perform that comparison is: "A scholarly work is something written for a specialized audience by an expert on the subject."

  Since you bring up the $10,000 prize, I have a feeling I'm already talking to one of Dershowitz's fans. If you want to discuss that, it won't be with me. You're welcome to read all about that and his plagiarization of Joan Peters online or elsewhere. Regardless of what you think of him,

  Finkelstein is a scholar when it comes to the subject of the Israeli/Palestinian issues we discuss here. He is a voracious reader with a frightening level of recall (see the debate with Dershowitz, himself on Democracy Now). Again, that's outside of whether you agree with him or not. He uses facts, but more-importantly facts from generally uncontroversial sources to back up his assertions. I'm sure Dershowitz arguably controls a similar level of retention and utilization of factual material in the field of law. Again, regardless of what you think of him. Each gentleman has his own bialiwick.

  But what it does not mean that Finkelstein is a lawyer or that Dershowitz is an historian or social scientist. When Finkelstein moves into those (legal) areas he sources the appropriate rulings, usually from the ICCJ or other relevant body. However, Dershowitz, when leaving the ream of law frequently chooses poor sources to cite and poor ways to cite them, out of ignorance or sloth, even arguably to the point of plagiarization.

  As to your last line "I'm being serious." I don't think you are. I really don't think that even a top-shelf, informed, Israel-Firster should allow themselves to associate with Dershowitz's book. If you were serious I think you'd the last person you'd be defending or feel you need to defend, would be Alan Dershowitz.

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