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Reply #4: McClatchy reported that yesterday Somalians rejected US requests to -get this- [View All]

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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 08:16 AM
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4. McClatchy reported that yesterday Somalians rejected US requests to -get this-
bring some of the Islamists "which had seized Mogadishu in June from U.S.-backed warlords" into the interim govt. Then, kaboom!-

NAIROBI, Kenya - In a rebuff to the United States, Somalia's interim president, Abdullahi Yusuf, on Monday rejected U.S. requests to bring moderate Islamists into his weak transitional government.

Negotiations with Islamists "will not happen," he told Al Jazeera television before flying to Mogadishu, Somalia's lawless seaside capital. "We will crack down on the terrorists in any place around the nation."
Analysts who'd been critical of U.S. policy in Somalia said the Bush administration might be focusing on achieving political stability there after years of being preoccupied with preventing al Qaida cells from taking root.

"If the U.S. is indeed doing more than making a few public statements in support of dialogue with moderates, then it does represent a shift in the public face of its policy," said John Prendergast, senior adviser to the International Crisis Group, a research center on global conflict.

So if a nation *won't* hop in bed with "moderates" within extremist factions, the US will bomb attacks. Good-bye to the With Us or Agin Us doctrine.
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