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Reply #14: The only rich people I don't like are those who think they're better than us. [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Efilroft Sul Donating Member (827 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 02:16 PM
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14. The only rich people I don't like are those who think they're better than us.
Guys like Hoenig and Payne are the first to bleat "politics of envy!" or "class warfare!" when Democrats try to reel in the plutocracy. In truth, the Wall Street culture warriors want a country of lords and serfs, not a representative Republic dominated by the middle class.

Enlightened nations make sure all their citizens are healthy and educated so everyone can become successful. Hoenig and Payne see health care and education as undeserving "rewards" to most families, and it's people like that who have to be ripped from any position of influence regarding public policy.

Don't get me wrong: If you work your way to the top, congratulations. But that achievement doesn't mean you've earned special privileges. You're still a citizen like the rest of us, and you have obligations like the rest of us.
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