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New Republican lie: Dems have no faith that Petreus and [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
chieftain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:04 PM
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New Republican lie: Dems have no faith that Petreus and
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our soldiers are up to the task in Iraq. These people are reprehensible. It is not the military that is responsible for this debacle in Iraq, it is George Bush and his toadies like Huckleberry Graham who have set the country on an immoral and stupid course in the Middle East. I note that McCain is trying to pin the failure on General Casey by saying he won't vote to confirm him as head of the army. The RW thugs in the WH and Congress ignored the advice of our military, promoted sycophants like Meyers and Pace, and now try to blame military leaders for the disaster they have perpetrated on the world. There must be no mirrors in the houses of Republican politicians. Decent human beings could not possibly look themselves in the face after engaging in such deceit.
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