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Reply #8: I Totally Agree With You About This... I Have NEVER "Gotten" What It Is [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
ChiciB1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 01:57 PM
Response to Reply #2
8. I Totally Agree With You About This... I Have NEVER "Gotten" What It Is
that so many thought is so dynamic about him! I heard on C-Span from a Repuke caller that she would NEVER support him for President because you just don't really know where he stands on issues. The reason: He changes his mind all the time!

I thought that was pretty telling when I heard it from a Repuke. My personal feelings had always been No. 1: He's just a little too old to be running and then No. 2: Having been a P.O.W. and recovering from it all, he most certainly has begun to show evident ailments from the experience.

I doubt that by the time it gets to 2008 that he will be all that viable anymore. Maybe they just didn't have anyone else to latch onto and MSM made him into whatever they wanted. I once felt he was more of a moderate, but now don't actually know WHAT you might call him. Hard to know where he stands on almost any issue because if ever there was a FLIP-FLOPPER... he takes the cake!

And that thing about eye blinking is something most people who work with criminals will tell you is true!

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