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Reply #4: Hmmm - did you know that Maher has a "blog" now? - yup yup ! [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
ConcernedCanuk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 12:58 PM
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4. Hmmm - did you know that Maher has a "blog" now? - yup yup !

Here's an excerpt from Bill's Blog today:

According to ABC News, U.S. troops stationed in Iraq are receiving the usual “Care Packages” from home. You know, clean socks, chewing gum, smokes…armor chest plates to keep them from getting killed. Due to still-unexplained shortages of critical materials and equipment, some U.S. military families and parents are forced to spend thousands of dollars of their own money to purchase essentials for their enlisted sons and daughters serving in Iraq.

Other troops, including the President’s beloved reservists, are bringing their own goggles, backpacks, and gloves when they travel to Iraq to fight the people who hate us because we’re free or whatever.

Now, I can see the Bush administration screwing these kids out of essential supplies if they were just schoolchildren, but these are our troops we’re talking about here.

Is it too much to ask to send them into harm’s way with decent safety equipment?

Or should we just start calling them the Coalition of the Naked?

:evilgrin: - gotta luv this Bill guy ! . . :bounce:


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