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AFL-CIO Set to Endorse Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts for President [View All]

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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-04 08:17 PM
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AFL-CIO Set to Endorse Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts for President
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HARRISBURG, Pa., Feb. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- The Executive Council of the AFL- CIO, representing 14 million workers across the United States and 900,000 workers in Pennsylvania, will be meeting to endorse Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts for President. The meeting will be held on February 19 at 11:00 A.M. in the AFL-CIO Building in Washington, D.C. The Pennsylvania AFL- CIO and the Executive Council of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO is mandated by its Constitution to follow the endorsement of the AFL-CIO.

"Senator John Kerry, a strong supporter of working families, provides a clear alternative to the economic failures and callous policies of President Bush," Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President William George said.

"America has suffered a net loss of 3 million jobs since Bush became President, more jobs lost than any President since Herbert Hoover. Pennsylvania is in a manufacturing crisis, over 125,000 manufacturing jobs lost since Bush became President," George declared.

"In total disregard for the plight of millions of unemployed workers the President's top economist told Congress last week that moving jobs overseas is really a good thing. If moving jobs overseas and laying off workers is so good I can't wait to hear what he has to say when working families elect John Kerry President on November 2nd and he is out his job," George declared.

"Senator John Kerry has defended working people against the President's most recent assault on our rights, including: attempts by the Bush Administration to gut overtime protections, opposing contracting out federal jobs which destroys thousands of good jobs, and pressuring Congress and the President to pass the federal unemployment benefit extension for jobless workers. Senator John Kerry respects working people and upholding the rights of workers to form unions and join unions free from employer harassment and intimidation. The AFL-CIO's endorsement of Senator John Kerry is based upon his outstanding record of support on our issues," George said.
(press release)
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