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Kucinich paradox? [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
mgc1961 Donating Member (874 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-04 11:06 PM
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Kucinich paradox?
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A question for Kucitizens.

Thinking aloud with my co-workers on a variety of political topics, I I’ve presented Dennis Kucinich to them and I want some input as to whether you think this is an accurate assessment.

I’ve noticed a genuine interest on the part of others to vote for an “outsider” candidate. This is a sentiment with which I can whole-heartedly identify. In fact, that was the primary reason for my initial interest in Dr. Dean. However, I decided in the end to back Dennis. I recently asked myself why? What concrete or intangible aspect of Mr. Kucinich made me reach this conclusion? Here, I think is part of the reason.

Dennis’ platform and person stand clearly apart from the other candidates on so many fronts that in my estimation he is, in essence, an “outsider” despite the fact that he holds an elected position. Therefore, my general impression has been that he’s a activist working from the inside.

Is that an impression with which you agree? Please feel free to explain within the confines of this space. I'll check back later.

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