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ARRGGHH! First Clark, now Dean... [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
bain_sidhe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 01:47 AM
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ARRGGHH! First Clark, now Dean...
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I want my party back! I'm sick of the media and insiders telling me who I'm allowed to support! Ok, I wasn't Dean's biggest fan, because I really think foreign policy experience will be important for the next president. We've GOT to fix our international reputation. But Dean's dropping out (and the way his "decline" was orchestrated) just intensified the feeling it's all a game by the insiders to make us feel like we're getting a "choice" when the only choices they'll let us have are the ones the "big boys" can live with - and not just the Democrats, but the Republican's too. They pretend that the "grass roots" matters, but then they ignore us.

So... I spent the last couple of days creating some t-shirts to express my feelings (I have a CafePress shop totally unrelated to politics, so I can make stuff just for myself) I was just going to order a few for myself and some friends, but hubby talked me into making a real "store" of it, so if you want to look at them, they're here. (This isn't really a solicitation, I just HAD to do something with my anger, and this was it. I even put something in for Republicans, because my Republican friends (yes, I have some, they're not so bad until you get them in groups) are pissed off too.) So anyway, I just wanted to show them off a bit. I'm rather proud of them... so, just go look, and tell me how cool they are and I'll be happy. :D Er... happier, anyway.
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