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Reply #7: regarding Sheep- [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
abracadabra Donating Member (152 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 02:17 AM
Response to Reply #3
7. regarding Sheep-
love that sig line.
I just posted this about sheep on another thread:

What if-
we elect a candidate to replace Shrub- he wins-- we get him for 4 years, then maybe 4 after that.

...but what if our candidate turns out to be not exactly what we want ? we will then be STUCK
...sad but true--

Say for instance our winner supports NAFTA?
(and keeps exporting all our jobs ?)

What if he continues to beat the war drum?
(& maybe instates the draft?)

What if our guy does NOT REPEAL the PATRIOT ACT ?
(and fatherland security becomes the SS)

How 'bout he still makes no move toward providing basic services in THIS country like HEALTH CARE for EVERY citizen(like all other modern countries do esp in Europe)

Say he gets comfortable with Carlyle and family?

We had better be VERY careful and ASK questions about policies and where each guy stands on issues and make them stick to it and not sway(like their position on war etc.,)

So far this has been a media fiesta and American idol competition.
So far the average voter can't even tell you which candidate stands(or stood) for what--
This is idiotic--they just say well I heard on T.V. (or I read) that Kerry is electable.
Does the average voter have the slightest clue ? Do they have any idea what they are buying?
deserve what they get. We are not supposed to be sheep.
We are suposed to ask QUESTIONS !!!
Very few voters care to examine closely and recognize the significance of their choice.
What a damn shame!

None of this may matter anyway if the FIX is in.

If that happens again this time --those individuals who are serious about maintaining a free America will likely not stand by idley with the SHEEP.
There will be riots in the streets and then military law will follow if Shrub gets in through surpressing our election process!!
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