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Kerry edging Bush in PA, poll shows [View All]

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maddezmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:42 AM
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Kerry edging Bush in PA, poll shows
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Kerry edging Bush in state, poll shows
Approval of president falls, economy upsets voters, survey finds.

By John L. Micek
Call Harrisburg Bureau

February 19, 2004

HARRISBURG | He hasn't gotten here yet, but Democrat John F. Kerry leads all presidential candidates in Pennsylvania, including President Bush, a new poll shows.

Kerry would defeat Republican Bush 50 percent to 45 percent in a hypothetical matchup held now, according to a statewide survey of 1,356 registered voters by Quinnipiac University of Hamden, Conn. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 2.7 percent.

Of course, plenty of politicking remains in the 10 weeks until Pennsylvania's April 27 primary, as Kerry's relatively narrow victory Tuesday over John Edwards in Wisconsin makes clear.


Quinnipiac pollster Clay Richards said. The national race for the party's nomination could be decided before either candidate reaches the Keystone State.

For now, however, 61 percent of respondents to the Pennsylvania poll said they'd like Kerry to be the party's standard-bearer this fall, compared to 15 percent for Edwards. One-time favorite Howard Dean, who dropped out of the race Wednesday, finished third with 9 percent.


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