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Byrd say's Bush needs a one way ticket back to Crawford [View All]

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59millionmorons Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 12:45 PM
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Byrd say's Bush needs a one way ticket back to Crawford
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"The best thing for America, for the country, would be for the president to be given a one-way ticket back to his ranch in Crawford, Texas," said Byrd, D-W.Va.

A West Virginia Poll conducted in August gives Byrd higher approval ratings than the president. Seventy-two percent of those surveyed gave Byrd good or excellent marks, while 53 percent gave the president a favorable review.

Four years ago, Bush appealed to West Virginians by pledging to help save steel jobs. Bush imposed, and then lifted, tariffs on imported steel, much to the consternation of the state's congressional delegation.

Remember Byrd wasnt a big Gore backer in 2000. I believe that is partly the reason he lost WV, and of course all of those lies that Bush fed the people to get there votes. Well there a little unhappy with Bush now.
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