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Reply #8: The root of protectionism is "to protect" [View All]

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Armstead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:00 PM
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8. The root of protectionism is "to protect"
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 06:01 PM by Armstead
You can;t compare the situation today to the 1920's or 189- or any otehr period.

Protectionism helped to make the US an economic powerhouse at a stage in its development when it was helpful. I

It may have been to the advantage of Big Business, and it may have had corrupt aspects. But the basic theory of protecting domestic producers from foreign competition is as old as trade.

So protectionism is not bad in and of itself. It allows a nation to adopt policies that protect its own producers and workers.

International trade is healthy and necessary. But that is not what the modern "free trade" dogma as typified by NAFTA/WTO etc. isabout.

This brand of "free trade" is NOT intended simply to stimulate international trade. It is a POLITICAL movement meant to impose RIGHT WING policies on the entire world. It is also intended to undermine the ability of nations to adopt policies that they determine is in their best interests.

It is a massive sell out to the corporate elite.

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