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A word of hope for those turned off by all the acrimony [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
LawDem Donating Member (366 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:50 PM
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A word of hope for those turned off by all the acrimony
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I like DU a lot. I chip in every fund drive and I spend a fair amount of time here, even if I don't post all that often. It's a great news source. It's a great place for passion. But - -

Remember, it is not, in every sense, reflective of the Democratic party, or even the progressive element of the American population in general. There's nothing surprising about this: DU is, after all, a discussion board. And while I can't offer up any study to support the supposition, it strikes me as fairly obvious, by the nature of things, that such a venue will tend to attract a following that, on average, is more passionate, argumentative, more dogmatic, less pragmatic and less inclined toward compromise than the progressive population as a whole. That's not a put down. It's an expression of reality.

And the reality is that the high level of acrimony displayed on this discussion board is highly unreflective of what's going on within the Democratic party in general. Comments often seen here, like, "I hate candidate ____," or "I won't support anyone except _____" really just aren't being said much out there "in the world." For most Democrats -- no, most liberals -- there really is only one priority this year -- BEAT BUSH! BEAT BUSH! BEAT BUSH!

Let me make it clear who I'm speaking to, and just as importantly, who I'm not speaking to. I am not arguing with those who are angry, or otherwise unwilling to compromise. I know it sounds corny, but the fact is that you are citizens of the United States, which means, at least for now (I make no promises if Bush gets another four years), that you are free to vote for or against whomever you please, and, within certain narrow limits, say pretty much whatever you want. Instead, I am speaking to what I believe to be the much larger group at DU who feel the way I feel, that the very future of this country is at stake in this election. And what I want to say to them is this: Don't get discouraged. The vast majority of Democrats feel exactly the way you feel. We are united in a common goal to an extent that I have never seen before in my life (and I have followed politics since the presidential election of 1968).

DU is a wonderful resource. But don't let it get you down. Come November, George W. Bush will face the most united Democratic party since the Great Depression. So bring it on George. We'll be ready.
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