Edited on Sat Feb-21-04 08:34 PM by liberalhistorian
I'm so fucking disgusted with Nader, and he makes me so damn ill I can hardly stand to even THINK about him, that I'm beyond sickened and infuriated that the egotistical, arrogant, selfish fuckhead has actually decided to run again.
He must be in the pocket of repukes. Seriously, that's the only thing I can think of, he can't possibly be dumb enough as not to realize just how critical this election really is and how even one or two percentage points can throw the election back to the Bushistas, thus ensuring the destruction of this country as we know it. Just the thought of how the repukes are rubbing their hands and cackling in glee over Nader's decision (and rest assured that that is EXACTLY what they're doing!) ought to be enough to make his supporters face reality. And he obviously doesn't give a shit about this country at all, if he did he wouldn't even consider running.
And if you think that's an hysterical exaggeration, then you just haven't been paying any attention at all to what's really been happening these past few years, you know nothing at all about American history and how radically damaging this misadministration has been, more so than any other in this country's history. And if he actually does win this time, instead of being selected by his family buddies on the Supreme Court, there will be no restraining the Bushistas this time. Not only will they believe they have a legitimate mandate, but they will not feel constrained by the prospect of having to run for reelection, and anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, goes.
Those of you who don't see this, and who actually believe Nader's bullshit rhetoric about there being no difference between the major parties, need to pull your heads out of your ass. And if you don't, and you get sent off to a Bushista "re-education camp" just like the rest of us after he's won, (and believe me, you WILL) don't expect any kind of warm welcome from the rest of us, because you will have been among those responsible.
And I've pretty much had it with being given guilt trips over being a "Nader hater", and being told how "intolerant" we are, etc., etc. BULLSHIT!!!! I'm so fucking angry, disgusted, and sickened right now and so disheartened over our future as a country that I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT I'M SAYING ABOUT NADER BECAUSE I'M RIGHT!