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Reply #6: A mouthpiece for the regime that brought the world the totally avoidable Iraq war. [View All]

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AdHocSolver Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-09-07 12:16 AM
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6. A mouthpiece for the regime that brought the world the totally avoidable Iraq war.
The most telling statements of Gates' speech:

In a complex region where partnerships do not come easy, Gates said the countries need to pull together and develop regional air and missile defense systems. He also said Gulf nations should cast aside their sectarian differences and support the struggling new government in Iraq.

You need to create some chaos when you want to scare countries in the region so that you can sell them your overpriced weapons systems. How else can you ensure huge profits for your supporters in the military/industrial complex.

"The progress is real. But it is also fragile," he said. "The Iraqi government must use this breathing space bought with the blood of American, Coalition and Iraqi troops to pass critical legislation."

The "critical legislation" Gates wants them to sign are the contracts that give control of Iraqi oil and all the profits from its sale to the American oil companies.

Some countries, he said, "may believe our resolve has been corroded by the challenges we face at home and abroad. This would be a grave misconception."

Translation: Even though Bush/Cheney credibilty at home and abroad is crumbling, Bush/Cheney will continue this devastang warfare in the Middle East to ensure the profits of US oil companies and miltary contractors even if it destroys the US economy, its military capabilties, its middle class, its infrastructure, and its standing as a world power.
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