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Reply #8: Funny Gates should mention Nazi Germany. He really has a point there. [View All]

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Wizard777 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-09-07 05:50 PM
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8. Funny Gates should mention Nazi Germany. He really has a point there.
Who would start a nuclear weapons programs and then abandon it? It just can't be done right? Well lets start with Nazi Germany. Because they did exactly that. The Nazi's started a nuclear weapons program durring WWII that sent some German scientists running to Albert Einstein. Then Einstein went running to FDR. Thus began our race with Nazi Germany for the atomic bomb. Little did they know that the Nazi's abandoned their program shortly after it started. So Gates does have a very valid point in mentioning Nazi Germany in his Iran arguement. But it's entirely counterproductive to Bush & Cheney position. This is even without invoking Godwins Law. It just gets worse from there. Complete irrelevence. Yeah, that's Bush & Cheney alright. So in a way Gates did get something right.
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