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Mainstream Media Matches Bush for Futility [View All]

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dajoki Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-29-07 08:21 PM
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Mainstream Media Matches Bush for Futility
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Mainstream Media Matches Bush for Futility
by Bill Hare | Dec 28 2007 - 7:34pm |

It is nice occasionally in the current climate of political ozone where the idea on the part of so many is to spin lies repetitiously long enough to be accepted as truth to read something with which one can agree.

As someone who started my professional career in journalism, it grieves me to say that I emphatically agree with a statement I read the other day calling 2007 the most pathetic one yet for the mainstream media, in short what passes for news.

The establishment is very much alive and continuing to create suffocating ozone by the minute. A classic example was a syndicated Associated Press article by Terence Hunt that appeared December 21 in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

The headline exclaimed:


Now this was before the latest tragedy in Pakistan with the assassination of Benizar Bhutto, but that need not dampen this rosy assessment. That astute analyst of foreign affairs Rudy Guiliani has been all over that one. After all, doesn’t a tragic assassination such as what just occurred in Pakistan indicate more than ever just how right Bush and Cheney were concerning dangers posed after 9/11? Don’t we need Rudy, the champion of Bernard Kerik, to lead us to victory over Osama bin Laden?

As for Terence Hunt’s rosy picture, Bush is, in his view, doing well because he is essentially getting what he wants. Hunt should ponder a moment over the fact that a wafer thin numerical edge does not put the Senate and House into commanding positions to do much of anything, since any positive legislation would result in a veto from the plutocratic Bush.

Bush thinks that government exists to provide his rich friends with tax cuts while sending the children of the middle class and poor to do battle on behalf of the New World Order and the Project for the New American Century.

One point of Hunt’s story is Bush’s cranky snapping at Congress for not being fiscally responsible. Perhaps after one of his conversations with God he determined that it was not a good idea to provide funds for children’s health care.

What makes the current mainstream media so pathetic? I will cite a vital reason. The mainstream media gallops away from common sense and reality in the process of attempting to make White House occupant Bush appear rational.

A realistic analysis is to put any statement Bush makes about fiscal responsibility in the realm of fantasy to the level of extreme delusion. What never ceases to amaze me is that so many of these well paid media folks work in Manhattan but yet must wear blinders to avoid confronting what should otherwise be a fact of alarming significance.

Do these media folks wear blinders when they walk in Times Square? If they do not then why do they never seem to mention that debt clock that keeps changing by the millisecond, reporting the advancing sea of red ink unlike anything ever seen on this or, to our knowledge, any other planet? The total is higher than all the previous debt in American history combined.

Since Hunt and others are apparently not eager to spend time reporting on this calamity I will report the latest damage.

As of the time my last keystrokes were launched the figure came to $9,125,586, 589, 436.84.

So here we are rapidly approaching the $10 trillion mark, which we will usher in some time in 2008. Ah, and about that Cold War that we now are hearing the besotted playboy congressman Charlie Wilson ended in concert with the sixth wealthiest woman in Texas, well what about China? Last time I checked it claimed to be Communist! Does that make it part of the Evil Empire that Ronald “Doctor Feelgood” Reagan demonized?

So what are those Communists in China doing right now? They are buying U.S. bonds in hopes of lessening the hemorrhaging as our dollar continues to plummet. Now for you true purists of the right, how can you fathom taking money from what must constitute a remnant of that Evil Empire?

Yes, and isn’t it interesting how the assassination of Bhutto is being spun by the incessant television talking heads and print journalists. Well, we have bin Laden and al Qaeda at work once more and doesn’t this confirm what Bush and Cheney have been long saying about the need to get tough and the world confrontation now in progress?

Tell us, pundits and self-proclaimed beacons of wisdom, just where did America stand with respect to the world at the time Bush took office following Supreme Court installation and now? Is the world a safer place? Is America a safer place?

Ah yes, the Republican Party paid hacks at Fox News stridently remind us that everything changed after 9/11. Blame it all on bin Laden and his gang. Why is it that we still have never had an independent investigation of 9/11 so the American people can learn the nature of the beast that Bushco and the mainstream media have constructed?

Also, let us investigate why all those experienced Middle East State Department hands were pressured to leave. They provided the same message that I did in the book I wrote on the Middle East, “Struggle for the Holy Land,” and scores of others who researched the area and wrote about it also concluded.

Go into the Middle East as an occupier and the Islamic world will rise up against America. This has been borne out through history and continues to be true.

Worse yet, Bushco invaded Iraq on behalf of a corporate oil economic junta in waiting organized by Dick Cheney on the basis of a tragic and destructive lie.

This same lie is now perpetuated in other ways since the original reason for going to war of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction has been thoroughly exposed.

So now we say that the 9/11 battleground has shifted to Iraq and elsewhere with bin Laden and the same cast of characters being blamed. In short, we still had every reason to invade Iraq.

Yes, sure. Now shouldn’t we be hearing less 9/11 pep talk rhetoric of the Guiliani stripe and more about Cheney’s private meetings with oil executives and the march to global empire of Halliburton, Bechtel, the Carlyle Group, Kissinger Associates and the other faces that comprise the New World Order?

Mainstream media, why are you so silent? Have your employers silenced you from reporting on any of these diabolical activities?
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