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Reply #3: Thank you for this wonderful article. [View All]

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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 06:26 PM
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3. Thank you for this wonderful article.
It's not surprising that I am a DK supporter, as I am also an idealist to the core.

I also recognize and honor the commonalities in all belief systems: those that nurture humility, empathy, and the highest ideals that humans strive for.

Here is another part that I, as a book lover, a word lover, an idea lover, really enjoyed:


From the time he was young, Kucinich has been reading the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Browning, and the Romantic poets. He still quotes them and considers many of their ideas part of his broader sense of faith. A particular favorite is Percy Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound" – whose final lines mirror Kucinich's own belief that love and hope must challenge oppression. "Tennyson – 'Come, My friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.' Browning – 'A man's reach should exceed his grasp,' " Kucinich says. "The romantic poets had this understanding of the power of the human spirit…. That to me corresponds to religion, and to me the power of the human heart is an article of faith."

Those sentiments – that one should strive for the impossible, and try to create something better – were also drilled into him by the nuns in Kucinich's high school, St. John Cantius. Those ideas influenced his desire to be a politician – and to start young. Kucinich first ran for political office when he was 20 and nearly defeated a longtime city council incumbent in Cleveland. He looked even younger than he was, and news stories at the time referred to him as "Dennis the Menace" and "Alfalfa." Two years later he ran again and won.

What would happen if we all chose to strive for the "impossible," and gave our best efforts to creating something better?
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