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Reply #4: Edwards has a lot of support in Cincinnati . . . [View All]

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Edwards4President Donating Member (339 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 10:42 AM
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4. Edwards has a lot of support in Cincinnati . . .
Cincinnati got as close as it will probably come to a pre-primary visit by a Democratic contender Friday night when Elizabeth Edwards met with about 75 Democrats in Mount Auburn. Edwards, wife of Sen. John Edwards, received a warm welcome - and, more importantly, endorsements from Hamilton County Commissioner Todd Portune, state Sen. Mark Mallory, Councilman John Cranley, retired Judge Nathaniel Jones and others.
. . .

Mallory said Edwards has a good shot despite being behind in the delegate count and having only won one state.

"The people that are coming over to Edwards seem to be coming over at the last minute," he said. "This guy has a passion and energy that I think people like to see."

Elizabeth Edwards, addressing former Howard Dean supporters looking for a new candidate, light-heartedly noted: "Our guy never said anything bad about your guy."
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