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OR-GOV: Is Jason Atkinson abandoning the race? [View All]

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ccharles000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-21-09 03:32 PM
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OR-GOV: Is Jason Atkinson abandoning the race?
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The O's Jeff Mapes takes note of the lack of activity from state Senator Jason Atkinson (R-Central Point), who has been widely expected to be prepping another run for Governor. (In 2006, he placed third out of three, behind Ron Saxton and Kevin Mannix.)

Rumors are swirling through the Oregon political world that state Sen. Jason Atkinson, R-Central Point, won't be a candidate in next year's race for governor after all.

Atkinson has not returned several calls from me over the last five days and his legislative aide, Cheri Adkins, said Tuesday that "I just don't know" what is happening with his candidacy. She said she has also received numerous calls asking about Atkinson's status.

A strange story indeed, given that he accidentally announced back on September 3rd.

As Mapes notes, he doesn't appear to be raising money - with only one contribution of $2000 between the end of the legislative session and September 23. (Oregon has a rolling 30-day filing system, so it's certainly possible he's raised millllllllions in the last month, though unlikely.)

His campaign website lists no media clips since February. His campaign blog hasn't been updated since April. He's got a personal Facebook page, but not a political one. And his Twitter account has 81 followers and zero tweets.

These are not the things you'd expect from someone getting ready to run for Governor.
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