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Reply #5: I finished the book a couple of days ago. [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Books: Non-Fiction Donate to DU
Chalco Donating Member (817 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-02-08 09:51 PM
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5. I finished the book a couple of days ago.
Edited on Sat Aug-02-08 09:52 PM by Chalco
This guy has so much evidence. People are finally talking. The CIA did it. But..who told the CIA to do it. Who was the mastermind? Any thoughts?

Also, after reading the book and then this guy Ivins is accused of being the anthrax killer and then he "suicides", it's clear the CIA was behind the anthrax thing as well. Which then leads me to 911. Who really did that.

I know I'm starting to sound like a kook but the JFK book is so well documented that it is clear that we have no idea what is being done by the government. It does not work for us, it has its own agenda.

Just rambling.

I loved the book. When I read JFK's AU speech at the end, in my mind I changed Soviet Union to the Middle East or Iraq or Iran and it all fits for today. We've lost 45 years of peace because they killed JFK. We are a nation of assholes.
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