Thanks for demanding that your library get this book. it is not about JFK. It is the core sampling that is the Elbow of the Cold War. There is no other book that I have ever read that so clearly fixes blame on the CIA AND so clearly is AS MUCH A WORK OF HISTORY AS IT IS book about the conspiracy.
I have been promoting this book with every single spare second that I have since June. It has cracked the Amazon top 1000 when it first came out an the author was touring, but it did so again, this past November and a couple of miliseconds this December. Moreover it has spend more than 80% of its time inside the top 4,000.
Now why do I mention these sordid marketing details?
Well, I have noticed that NO BOOKSTORES IN NYC carry this book.!!! Thats right none of them! Moreover, I have also noticed that certain "leftish" bookstores (whatever that means these days) do not even carry this book even though they carry EVERY OTHER JFK BOOK EVEN THOUGH IT SELLS MUCH LESS. What these other books have in common is that they are all Stage 2 books ie like Waldrons blame the Mafia instead of the CIA.
I have also noticed that even long time Lone Nutters like Cockburn in the Nation, have retreated from the Lone Nutter position in recent months. The lone nut view is no longer tennable, for those who have read anythin at all, so it seems like the blame the mob is becomming the new fall back position.
It is with all this in mind that I ask all who have read this book to help me spread the news. I have been posting mostly on big newspaper websites. like stltoday, the Kansas City stars etc. I have posted on more than fifty newspaper sites around the country. IF WE CAN GET EVEN ONE OR TWO MORE PEOPLE HELPING OUT I REALLY THINK WE COULD MAKE THIS BOOK TAKE OFF ON ITS OWN ACCORD. The critical mass has already been laid.
This book is dangerous for the political status quo of this country. It is about right now, not just 1963. I have been using the Daniel Ellsberg blurb as a wedge into the NYT reading crowd: they know who Ellsberg and Raskin are, so they cannont "flying saucer" this book they way they have been so trained since around 1993.
On another note, have you seen the New book family of Secrets by Russ Baker. This book is AMAZING ME. It is going to be number one by thursday and it actually SEEMS LIKE A REAL BOOK ABOUT THE BUSHS AND THE CIA. THERE IS NEW STUFF HERE ABOUT H.W. IN DALLAS ON 11-22-63.!!!!!!!! Please invesigate this one, also