This relates to Time-Life Empire, and its founder Henry Luce who was one of the biggest Kennedy haters. His media empire was vastly important in Opposition to almost everything Kennedy did, and his wife, the playwrite Claire Boothe Loose was also far right wing and hung out with the Cubans who were critical of Kennedys Cuban policies -- read off the charts Right. Time -Life even funded the Bayo Pawley mission which was unauthorized by the JFK.
Of course Time Life's C.D. Jackson, luitenant to Luce who Bernstein at WaPo called Time-Life's liason to the CIA, (he had previously worked with Ike in charge of Psychological warfare while going back and forth btw. White HOuse and Time-Life in the 1950s) was in charge of acquiring the Zapruder film on behalf of Time-Life immediately after the assassination. The film was not made public until 1975. This sequestered period, gave rise to a split among WC critics between those who think the flim was altered and those who disagree. It is important to note that whatever ones opinion on this question THE POINT IN SO FAR AS PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE IS CONCERNED-- AND REMEMBER C.D. WAS IKS TOP PSY OPS MAN IN THE NORTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN-- MAY HAVE BEEN THE SPIT ITSELF i.e. the division of the WC critics into warring camps By the way I leanred somethin new and interesting about Zapruder in the new book Family of Secrets which is MUCH MORE SOPHISITCATED THAN ITS COVER OR TITLE IMPLIES. IF YOU DONT BUY AT LEAST READ THE FIRST TWO HUNDRED PAGES IN BN. YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS STUFF EVEN IF YOU HAVE READ TONS!
A couple of new Luce Ends from James W. Douglass' unbelievably good new book JFK and the Unspeakable:
Douglass Portrays Luce as in close relations with Lodge when the latter first arrives in Vietnam. Douglass then says Lodge and Luce were critical in working with State Dept and CIA to cut off half of JFK's orders about Diem: the part about one last warning to Diem about his brother and his own dynamic wife. Luce's involvement with Lodge here is new to me, and very interesting in conjunction with what he and Our Lady of the Italinate Paint Chips were doing with broad chested right wing Cubans in 1963, the very burly-men that JFK was trying to shut down.
Recall me slow but I also hadn't heard of this possibly pertinant gossip, about Mary Bancroft, lover of Dulles and very good friend of Ruth Forbes Paine Young, Michael Paine's mum:
Mary Bancroft's Oral History acknowledges her siultaneious postwar alliances with Allen Dulles and Time-Life-Fortune magnate Henry-
Luce: ' Mary enjoyed seeing Dulles mad over Luce. One night Mary creeped back to Dulles apartment when Allen called to Mary:
'Have you been with Luce all this time'? Mary fired back: 'Yes!" (Douglass, p, 422, drawn from Oral History, p. 310. Cited by
Adamson, Oswald's Closest Friend, p. 29.
I did not know that Bancroft was mixing intelligence with both Luce and Dulles. Those Luces semed to be of some EXTREMELY reformed
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