Edited on Thu Apr-02-09 10:12 PM by EPIC1934
This book sets incredible standards for scholarship. There are 936 footnotes.... in Chapter 6! These footnotes cite the most scholarly sources available, and make the arguments a solid challenge to the one sided reassassinations of Chomsky and Cockburn (see Encounter Magazine History of)
“Douglass presents, brilliantly, an unfamiliar yet thoroughly convincing account of a series of creditable decisions of John F. Kennedy—at odds with his initial Cold War stance—that earned him the secret distrust and hatred of hard-liners among the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA. Did this suspicion and rage lead directly to his murder by agents of these institutions, as Douglass concludes? Many readers who are not yet convinced of this ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ by Douglass’s prosecutorial indictment will find themselves, perhaps—like myself—for the first time, compelled to call for an authoritative criminal investigation. Recent events give all the more urgency to learning what such an inquiry can teach us about how, by whom, and in whose interests this country is run.” --Daniel Ellsberg, author, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers ________
Here is just one of litterally hundreds of examples of the the JCS and CIA acting in defiance of the president. Note that this is THE LIMITS OF DISSENT IN US. CHOMSKY IS MANTRAING THAT THE CIA ONLY ACTS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PRESIDENT. WELL OFTEN THAT IS TRUE BUT.....
"As the Times of London reported,'CIA agents had deliberately opposed the official American objective of trying to estabilisha a neatral government, had encouraged Phoumi in his reinforcement of Nam Tha, and had negatived the heavy finacial pressure brought by the Kennedy administration upon Phoumi by subventions from its won budget"(note 114, Chapter 3) Emboldened by his knowledge of his CIA backing, Phoumi was brazen in his dfiance of Presidnet Kennedy's policy. The Times Correspondent stated: " The General apparently was quite outspoken , and mad it known that he could disregard the American embasy and the military advisory gorup becouse he as in communication with other American agencies" JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE: WHY HE DIED AND WHY IT MATTERS. p. 116 Was wondering why Chomsky never spoke much of Laos. That was where the JCS wanted a land war from day one of JFKs term. JFK resisted unanimous pressure from the permanent military and intelligence bureaucracy.