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Reply #56: One example is the fact that
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Fri Jun-17-11 08:36 AM
Response to Reply #55 |
56. One example is the fact that |
One example is the fact that a motorcycle cop found something that was clearly blood on his motorcycle who was behind JFK. If the shooter was to the rear the majority of the blood should have gone forward. there might be some legitimate concerns about this but they weren't raised in the trial; instead they questioned his ability to recognize blood which was pretty obvious to any reasonable person. the restrictions they put on his testimony were highly suspicious. It seemed, at times, like they were making it as hard as possible to prove the case; which implies a possible coverup. there were some exceptions; barely enough rulings in the favor of Garrison to give them something to claim fairness.
There is plenty more in the transcripts for you or anyone else who wants to take the time to read them; assuming it is a sincere effort I find it hard to believe that people can't find many problems with this case.
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