Let me be at least the second reviewer to say this is among the very best books I have ever read.
It makes the exotic seem at the center of change and hundreds of aspects of domestic politics gleam with light from angles never imagined. Even its wide ranging title fails to capture the all encompasing and yet never laborious nature of its contagious curiosities.
And these curiosites are not peripheral or for amusement. One is dead certain that one is reading about the turn in the American Century. The 1960's was a time when the US was making a decision that few knew about; should we remain country that produces goods for the rest of the world working more multilatterally (at least compared to today) or should we become more unilatteral and focus our economy more on direct investment in Latin America, oil and weapons. This book shows the connections between domestic politics and US intervention in Latin America in startling new ways.
As another reviewer mentioned this is in many ways a book about the Kennedys as well. It shows a clear difference between their policies and those of Johnson, Rockefeller, Nixon and those that followed. This difference is not based on naive assumptions of liberal authors. These authors know their history, and do not spare any of the grim realities that have defined US relationships with Latin America. They call imperialism what it is. Yet those who subscribe to the view that Kennedy was "just another Cold Warrior "-- as is virtually a pre-requisite to be published with any degree of publicity right now-- would do well to read this book.
A must for students of Latin American History, US capitalism, US imperialism, the Vietnam war, US evangelism, the US oil industry, Nelson Rockefeller, the US cold war, and the transformation of the US economy and the roots of NAFTA. All in all a stunningly ambitious read, and one really gets a sense that the country NEEDS this book. One can certainly see many powerfull interests that would rather see it burried! It comes as no surprise that the DuPont family tried mightily to block the publication of Colby's first book. It seems reviewers have done the next best thing with this one: it is a crime how little this diamond it known. it is because of the bloodyness of the rough and US responsibility.
Oh did I mention the CIA? This is a book about the CIA. It is particularly dangerous because its description of the CIA is inseperable from the movement of American Capitalism itself. Hence it would be tougher to marginalize. One more reason for powerful interest to bury it.