Edited on Mon Aug-10-09 08:47 PM by RamboLiberal
Amazon has release date as Sept 8, 2009. Farmer served as Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission. From Amazon.com
Review “All Americans should read John Farmer’s The Ground Truth. With keen analytical insight, Farmer rips the lid off of many mysteries pertaining to both the 9/11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina. A highly recommended historical curative for our times. --Douglas Brinkley, author of The Great Deluge
"No one is more qualified to write the definitive book about the tragedy of 9/11 than John Farmer. Fortunately, he has done so. Even more fortunately the language is clear, alive and instructive for anyone who wants to make certain this never happens again." --Bob Kerrey, Former US Senator and Member of the 9/11 Commission
“In revisiting the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks that still haunt America, John Farmer provides a devastating account of how what government and military officials told Congress, the 9/11 Commission on which he served, the media, and the public ‘was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue. The result is a major, carefully documented and deeply disturbing book, one that deserves the most serious attention of every American concerned about our future. --Haynes Johnson, Pulitzer Prize winner and best-selling author.
Physics teaches us that waves of the same frequency amplify each other. That's what brought down the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The Ground Truth reveals 9/11 as a manifestation of that same phenomenon, with waves of history cresting together. It does so with perfect clarity, thanks to the brilliance of finding, in the examples of two "minor" national security agencies, the dysfunctionality that plagued the mightiest-seeming arms of the government. I made the mistake of not writing down the first two or three times I felt goosebumps. The Ground Truth is superbly conceived and carried out. What a great book.” --Jim Dwyer, author of 102 Minutes: The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers
Farmer makes shattering new sense of the day’s events and exposes the true disarray and arrogance in the military and government responses. —William Langewiesche, author of American Ground and The Atomic Bazaar
Product Description From the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, a mesmerizing real-time portrayal of that day, why we weren’t told the truth, and why our nation is still at risk.
As one of the primary authors of the 9/11 Commission Report, John Farmer is proud of his and his colleagues work. Yet he came away from the experience convinced that there was a further story to be told, one he was uniquely qualified to write.
Now that story can be told. Tape recordings, transcripts, and contemporaneous records that had been classified have since been declassified, and the inspector general’s investigations of government conduct have been completed. Drawing on his knowledge of those sources, as well as his years as an attorney in public and private practice, Farmer reconstructs the truth of what happened on that fateful day and the disastrous circumstances that allowed it: the institutionalized disconnect between what those on the ground knew and what those in power did. He details —terrifyingly and illuminatingly—the key moments in the years, months, weeks, and days that preceded the attacks, then descends almost in real time through the attacks themselves, portraying them as they have never before been seen.
Ultimately, Farmer builds the inescapably convincing case that the official version not only is almost entirely untrue but serves to create a false impression of order and security. The ground truth that Farmer captures suggests a very different scenario—one that is doomed to be repeated unless the systemic failures he reveals are confronted and remedied.