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Reply #41: Last Days of the Incas and Mayflower
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Fri Aug-19-11 10:23 AM
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41. Last Days of the Incas and Mayflower |
Edited on Fri Aug-19-11 10:28 AM by YankeyMCC
"Last Days of the Incas" by Kim Macquarrie - it really grabs you like a novel about the royal Inca family and the parallel Spanish family history of the invaders and the Inca inside politics and the Spanish inside politics.
"Mayflower" by Nathaniel Philbrick - much more than just about the Mayflower, like the Inca book it takes you through the colonial and native communities daily lives, politics and important families and figures up through King Philips War.
John Adams and 1776 are pretty good too. I mean they're very good books but they also pretty good in the way they read like fiction.
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