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In IN COLD BLOOD, the character "Willie-Jay," an aide to the prison chaplain and [View All]

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raccoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-11 08:18 AM
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In IN COLD BLOOD, the character "Willie-Jay," an aide to the prison chaplain and
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a friend of Perry's when he was behind bars, was he a real person or not? I don't think so.

This never occurred to me until the other day I was googling about the case and saw where some theorize that Willie-Jay was fictional.

As I read the book, I'm thinking here and there, "Here Capote's taking poetic license; I don't believe this really happened, or somebody really said this."

Of course, Capote had to take some poetic license; how else could he re-create conversations between Nancy and Herbert Clutter (and of course there are other examples where he had to). I'm not saying this to detract from the significance of the book. I think it's a great book and one of my favorites. The case has fascinated me since I first got my hands on the book, not long after its publication, and it still does.

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