... with Gary Condit on the very day that Chandra Levy disappeared, during the very hours of her disappearance, would be noticed by anybody. (It wasn't.)
House Intelligence Committee (with Condit as a member) was meeting all that summer, for some mysterious, not open to the public, thing that was going on between the in-coming Bush Junta and the FBI. I never could figure out what it was. Vague rumors of malfeasance. Existing head of FBI and all his people purged. One of them was the FBI agent in charge of following Al Q's money trail. He was purged for no good reason (somebody in a roomful of FBI agents stole his briefcase and he was fired for the security breach), took a job in private security at the Twin Towers the week of 9/11 and died in the attack.
Oh, and, um, top priority at the beginning of summer, three days after Chandra Levy disappeared (5/3/01), was their first tax cut for the rich--with Condit leading the gang of 10 Democrats (the "Blue Dogs") who voted FOR it, in a very close and controversial vote. Once that got done, they could get on to bigger and better theft--the theft of a nation. Or a couple of them, including our own.
Really. Everybody's still overlooking that one: Chandra Levy, the FBI, that summer. There's something there.