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40th Anniversary of "Our Bodies, Ourselves" [View All]

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MountainLaurel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-04-11 09:10 AM
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40th Anniversary of "Our Bodies, Ourselves"
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From the Washington Post, a look at the impact and staying power:

When it comes to women’s sexuality and reproductive health, I’ve come to believe that the world divides into two camps: those who know something about hand mirrors and those who don’t.

My sister Julie, solidly in the first camp, recently went to a 30-something female gynecologist, who’s in the second. At Julie’s first mention of hand mirrors, she told me, her doctor was more than a little taken aback.

You did what?” she asked.

“I went into a classroom at Hampshire College with six or seven other women in the fall of 1980,” Julie explained from the examining table.
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