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Reply #3: I doubt it, liberal as he was. Later in that same article it says: [View All]

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raccoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-11 12:01 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I doubt it, liberal as he was. Later in that same article it says:

"A guy named Fred Seaman is all over the conservative blogs today for a new documentary in which he claims that John Lennon was 'a closet Republican' at the time he was shot. This seems unlikely," contributor Jon Wiener wrote. "First of all, who is Fred Seaman? He'd been a personal assistant to John and Yoko at the Dakota in the late seventies, but he's also a convicted criminal. He was found guilty of stealing John Lennon's personal belongings, including his diaries, after Lennon had been killed. He was sentenced to five years probation. You might say that weakens his credibility."

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