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Reply #3: Many people are atheist as an opposition to something they heard from some religion. [View All]

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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-11 10:44 AM
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3. Many people are atheist as an opposition to something they heard from some religion.
If you are an atheists as an opposition to what someone of faith does, they still define your directions.

I think differently then many people of faith on many topics. There are lots of concepts of faith in many texts that make what the divine is to be seen as a spoiled arrogant brat. I don't believe those verses, since I don't think that is what God is.

For instance, the verse where Paul says that if the potter made someone for dishonor, that is his right. I say if something is God, they would not make something just to be dishonored or for that things own Glory. Although I think that was a moment of not best thoughts of Paul, since nobody is perfect.

Many people that are atheists are reacting to actions they have never seen, best to discuss the topics that don't make sense, and not the belief system, since an atheists can't know for sure either.

The point is, don't fight about weather there is God, discuss about what people think 'God' tells them to do. Because many of those things are wrong if you are a person or care about people, and that is a contradiction to the same teachings.

Some have the concept that people don't matter, only the corporate entity, or religious entity, or state entity, or family blood line matters. That is the concept were people only exist to reach some future better product and the individuals on the way don't matter, that creates much eugenics thoughts also.

The thing is, there are hidden spiritual forces behind many groups that use spiritual methods or structures like when a corporation uses cult techniques, or a leader wants a state to replace a religion. Machiavellianism really is a spiritual concept, it is just hidden from most that follow it, since hiding it is what that side needs to thrive. Also why deception and secrecy and being quiet is a big part of that side.
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