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Reply #19: you know nothing about basketball if you cite those examples
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wilt the stilt
(1000+ posts)
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Sun May-02-10 07:39 AM
Response to Reply #17 |
19. you know nothing about basketball if you cite those examples |
Her is one for you. If you can find the full game footage of the games from the sixties and seventies you will find that even though the players are slower relative to back then the game was actually faster. The passing was crisper and teams actually used the fastbreak.
Today's game has less possessions, lower scoring and less fast breaking. In the late sixties the Celtics and the Knicks played opposing styles. Knicks were a half court team while then Celtics were a fast breaking team. The Team that controlled tempo won. If the score was below 100 the Knicks won and if it was over 100 the Celtics won. Name all the fast breaking teams today( 3 point line has caused this.
Great outlet passers from the past included Wes Unseld, Bill Walton and Bill Russell(who used to have a tutorial at halftime which taught things like blocking out which I used y whole life and gues what it works.. Name a great outlet passer today.
I started watching in 1964 and saw the Texas Western game, The famous Havlicek steal, the Houston- UCLA game at the astrodome in real time plus many more. I saw every final round of the NBA from 1964 on and every NCAA from 1965 on.
I played until I was 46 and played against many professional football players and guys who played in Europe.
When you questioned Cousy then I knew you knew nothing.
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