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Reply #22: Most players in the NBA are threats, that's why they're NBA players [View All]

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taterguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-03-10 04:42 PM
Response to Reply #21
22. Most players in the NBA are threats, that's why they're NBA players
Endlessly quibbling about the definition of a threat isn't productive.

When I called you on your Cartwright bullshit you just picked another name off the Bulls roster.

I cited Russell because he was the reason the Celts won those titles.

Take him off the team and they wouldn't have won shit.

All titles in that era would have been won by whatever team Russell was playing for.

Maybe Wilt would have gotten an extra ring or two but that's debatable.

I have seen games without a 3 point shot but what difference does it make? I'll bet you never watched a game when they played with peach baskets.

The answer to your question about why there's no 4 or 5 point line is that the 3 point line serves its purpose. It's not intended to reward superior shooting. It's intended to discourage defenses from packing the lane and it does an adequate job of that.

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