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Lauper wins $20k for Gay rights foundation + profits from "Blue Sky" song go to TRUE COLORS charity! [View All]

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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 12:00 AM
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Lauper wins $20k for Gay rights foundation + profits from "Blue Sky" song go to TRUE COLORS charity!
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"Trace Adkins returned to "The Celebrity Apprentice" on April 18, and he brought new artists Emily West and Luke Bryan with him. Apparently they need makeovers, though we think they've been doing just fine on their own. Emily's song "Blue Sky" features superstar Keith Urban, and Luke Bryan took home the Best New Artist award at tonight's Academy of Country Music Awards.

Cyndi Lauper and Goldberg were named project managers, though Goldberg understandably let Bret Michaels take over. After all, who better knows how to sell a musician than an 80s icon?

There was some serious tension going on with the women's team. Cyndi Lauper was a very demanding project manager (and won!). She took control and didn't delegate at all. Maria and Holly were visibly frustrated throughout the entire task, but we think they can suck it up. Last week, the other women didn't listen to Cyndi at all - they literally put the phone down while Cyndi was pitching ideas. So they can dish it out, but they can't take it?

Emily West's performance of "Blue Sky" blew us away. We hit iTunes in search of the song before she'd finished her first verse - and that was before we found out that all proceeds from both "Blue Sky" and "Rain is a Good Thing" will benefit Cyndi's True Colors fund for the next month."


A review of the episode -

The episode -

WAY TO GO CYNDI! This has to be tens of thousands or even more for the True Colors foundation!?

And even if she doesn't win the show, she's got support!
from CBS poll -

Who will win this season of "The Celebrity Apprentice"?

Curtis Stone:
Bret Michaels:
Maria Kanellis:
Sharon Osbourne:
Cyndi Lauper:
Summer Sanders:
Holly Robinson Peete:
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