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Reply #11: Satire isn't excluded from being racist in intent and attitude
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kenny blankenship
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Sat Jul-22-06 03:46 PM
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11. Satire isn't excluded from being racist in intent and attitude |
I don't see indications that the racism is presented ironically--meaning that author intends for the audience to see a different or opposite meaning from what appears on its surface. Except for a short detour into sexism, it seems to be all racism. More context might be nice, but I'm having a hard time imagining the context in which this cartoon isn't making racists laugh. What would be the non-racist reading? That diversity pamphlets in the workplace are themselves guilty of presenting minorities and women in derogatory stereotyped forms and catchphrases? In the first place I doubt it's a big problem in the world that diversity pamphlets unintentionally reinforce supremacist stereotypes. Second, the only thing this cartoon does wrt diversity training pamphlets is mock their whole intent--so all in all I would say "I can't believe it's not racism."
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