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Reply #6: Jesus effing christ - what planet are these assholes on?
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Sat Aug-29-09 01:32 AM
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6. Jesus effing christ - what planet are these assholes on? |
Edited on Sat Aug-29-09 01:41 AM by tularetom
There are a few other things going on in the world that they might want to look into - torture, politicization of the justice department to name a couple.
That is the shallowest piece a shit article I ever almost read.
Added on edit - I'm a guy. An old guy. A lot of people think I'm a hardass, a cranky old misanthrope. But I'd really like to know. Do women really give a shit about this kind of crap? I mean real wpmen not yuppie airheads. My wife doesn't.
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