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Reply #17: just fyi... [View All]

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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-29-09 09:53 PM
Response to Reply #14
17. just fyi...
Edited on Sat Aug-29-09 09:59 PM by bliss_eternal
...but it isn't a matter of what is acceptable to the "AA community." The AA community did not make the rules of what was deemed "acceptable" for one's appearance in this country, nor in many corporate environments. They merely conformed and did their best to fit in, to what the standards were. The standards, weren't based on "ethnicity" but on "caucasian" or eurocentric looks and ideals.

If you check w/women that don't wear their hair naturally, many will state a variety of reasons (i.e. what is deemed acceptable and/or appropriate in corporate environments, manageability, personal preference, etc.). For some it's about fitting in to their work environment. For others, it's about what they like on themselves...others still, it's about what they consider easiest to work with day to day.

FLOTUS doing it, wouldn't change many corporate environments that women (and men), have to deal with on a daily basis, (imo). Nor would it change some's personal bigotries and issues around tightly curled/coiled hair.

for example:

Dillards says "ethnic" hair harder to clean...

Police Appearance Policy Raises Racial Sensitivity Issues

Some discussion of this on a black woman's blog:

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