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Reply #20: you're certainly entitled to your opinion... [View All]

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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-30-09 12:20 PM
Response to Reply #19
20. you're certainly entitled to your opinion...
Edited on Sun Aug-30-09 12:22 PM by bliss_eternal
...and beliefs.

unfortunately, you fail to realize (or acknowledge) that African American's hair is more profound than merely "fashion." for example, you seem to ignore the links i provided, and simultaneously gloss over the issue of AA's facing discrimination based on how they wear their hair. there are many other examples of this, i provided a couple.

when a non-ethnic person makes the news, because they are their employers in court due to discrimination they faced due to how they wore their hair (or it's texture, appearance, etc.) ....we can talk. until then....;)

oh and yes, famous people can influence fashion choices.
beyonce knowles, oprah winfrey, tyra banks and other prominent african american women have influenced women's choices to a degree, and will continue to do so. take a look at how they wear their hair. ;)

on edit--re: chris rock's film:
aa women will start "taking fashion and hair cues" from chris rock, the day he stops making them the punch line of his jokes. :)

...but again, you're totally entitled to your thoughts and beliefs on this. :hi:
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