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Why Conservatives Are Really Afraid of a Black President [View All]

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ezgoingrl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-10-09 02:33 AM
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Why Conservatives Are Really Afraid of a Black President
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The topic of race in general, and charges of racism in particular, is political dynamite that typically explodes in the hands of the accuser -- just ask Professor Skip Gates, Gov. David Paterson, or Obama (whom I will return to momentarily).

Unless someone is wearing a Klan hood while yelling, "Nigger, Go Back to Africa," the charge of racism seems to offend the accused these days more than the actual victims.

This is true, in part, due to the most prevalent view of the problem of race and racism in this country. In the eyes of many, the responsibility of moving beyond racial conflict in America is placed at the feet of minority communities of color, as opposed to the dominant society.

We've all heard it. America will move beyond race to a colorblind society only when minority groups cease dwelling on difference. Such a view permeates the melting pot ideal of American folklore, the myth of meritocracy and even the "post-racial" dimension of electoral politics.


This author goes around what seems to be the long way, but I agree with the last paragraph of this article. Conservatives do need to make President Obama into the "other" so their position and/or ego is not threatened.
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