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Racist Legislation in KY [View All]

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jahlove17 Donating Member (36 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-11 09:36 AM
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Racist Legislation in KY
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Recently, a handful of extremists within the KY Senate have passed through committee a bill (Senate Bill 6) similar to AZ's infamous SB1070. The House is now due to discuss the legislation, and the bill's fate will be sealed within the first few weeks of February. We've been organizing against SB6, and as a part of our campaign, we made a music video as a piece of propaganda. The purpose of the video is to educate and mobilize Kentuckians, specifically the youth, to take action in defense of their fellow Kentuckians' civil liberties.

Check out, and tell us what you think. Also, if you are in KY or close by, contact me, and we can add numbers to our coalition. Or, if you are fighting another copycat of SB1070 in another state, also contact me, for we may need to establish a national coalition soon.

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